This is the first of my paintings for my BFA show in August! Luckily I painted it in "grisaille", which is a french word meaning "grey tones". Grisaille, was used as the first process of painting before moving to color, by many old masters such as, "Ingres" a painter from the 19th century. It is suspected that many others such "Titian" used this technique as well.
I learned this from current living master "Patrick Devonas", a Swiss painter who is a mentor of mine an one of my very closest friends! You can see his beautiful portrait of Christ on his web site or at Deseret Book. www.patrickdevonas.com
Next I would build layers of color. However, since Williams was traded to the New Jersey Nets last month and will not sign a new contract with any team until 2012, I will hold off on the color until then! I will do some touch up and make a few adjustments and changes before my show in August but I hope you all enjoy!
I really wanted to show his ability to cut and move so I decided to use a dynamic pose. I used reference photos of a friend of mine "Steve Gewonjan", who is a body builder to get the lighting and poses I wanted. We had to lean him up against things and take separate photos for the arms, torso, and legs as it would be humanly impossible to really be in this full pose!
I hope you all enjoy!